We will reach our basecamp (approx. 300 m a.s.l.) coming from the Bahía Fitton into a broad valley east of Monte Buckland. The next four weeks we will have time to explore the area, until the boat will pick us up again.
Primary goal of the expedition is the second ascent of Monte Buckland (approx. 1.800 m). The first ascent was done over the south east slope, using fixed ropes. If possible we want to climb the pristine north east slope on a new route in alpine style. In this case “pristine” really means the lack of all kind of informations, such as ice conditions, bivouac spots and difficulties in the route. Only at the time when we reach Monte Buckland we will be able to see to what extent this ambitious goal can be reached — if impossible we will make an attempt via the old Italian route.
In case the weather gods are merciful, and so we have the possibilities, we would also like to approach other mountains in the mountain range of Monte Buckland. All those mountains are unscaled and according to our maps they reach heights from 1.500 to 2.000 m. The most important heights are Monte Garcia and Monte Giordano. Apart from trips of several days’ duration away from our basecamp also a good sense of the deep patagonian rain forest is required to reach the mountains. We are trying to do pioneer work, since there are almost no information for mountaineers available. This will be definitely a very exciting thing to do! Leave no traces — this will be our credo over the whole time of the expedition to preserve the sensitive and prisitine environment of the Cordillera Darwin and to leave the place as we found it.
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