Robert Koschitzki

RobertNick­name “Rokos”, he is our mixed spe­cial­ist and has a lot of exper­i­ence from other exped­i­tions. Espe­cially import­ant, he is really good in motiv­at­ing the team in dif­fi­cult times. >

André Kunert

AndréDr. Smell­foot” is a exped­i­tion exper­i­enced oasis of calm in the team. He man­aged to receive a second aca­demic degree without writ­ing a Ph.D. thesis — the smell of his shoes after the trip is always splendent and of “highest hon­our”. Hence, he received his title already in 1996. >

Franz Goerlich

FranzFranz is rather the fresh­man in the group, but it wont harm him. Always of high spir­its and an optim­istic glance ahead so the bad weather down there will not be to bad. >

Michael Nadler

He was the last join­ing the team and already now he is repla­cing two other — but at that time he did not know about Dr. Smell­foot. >

Bar­bara Schmidt

Rababara is our sun­shine of the group. In the light of the patago­nian weather twists it might come in handy to bring our own sun­shine with us. We will see if this is enough to out­dare rain and snow storms in Tierra del Fuego. >

Daniel Groß

DanielIn case he is bored, Dani will most likely play with the satel­lite phone bey­ond repair. >

Markus Kautz

MarkusKnox” is the designer and together with Robert the ini­ti­ator of the exped­i­tion. He is deeply determ­ined in the invest­ig­a­tion about the region. Most likely he will know every stone before he was even there. >

Thomas Becker

thomas 01The “Links­ab­seiler” will strenghten the team this year from home. The care of the web page and the Face­book group is in his hands. >

FaLang trans­la­tion sys­tem by Faboba
Copy­right MtBuck​land​.com 2012 - Team