In the fol­low­ing you find some excit­ing web pages about climb­ing and Patago­nia, which we hope are inter­est­ing for you as well:


Sum­mit– and route data­base of South Amer­ica, espe­cially Chile and Argentinia

Alpin­club Sachsen

Web page of the Saxonian Alpin­club , amongs other things with excit­ing reports from moun­tain­eer­ing trips (in Ger­man only)


Excit­ing Climbing-​Blog from Sax­ony (in Ger­man only)


Rev­ista con el espíritu de montañas patagón­icas (en español)


Rolando Gari­botti is aggreg­at­ing inform­a­tions and topos of patago­nian summits


Small but very fine pub­lish­ing house from Patago­nia, who is pub­lish­ing loc­ale lit­er­at­ure; even in Ger­man, e.g. Gun­ther Plüschow’s Sil­berkondor über Feuerland

FaLang trans­la­tion sys­tem by Faboba
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