Apart from our hard­ware spon­sors there are of course many other people we would like to thank very much for their support…

Ragni di Lecco and espe­cially Cesare Giudici for their first hand inform­a­tion about the first ascent

Säch­s­is­cher Bergsteiger­bund, sec­tion of the Ger­man Alpine Club in Dresden,

Cris­tian Donoso for the boat transfer,

Imago Mundi for acco­mod­a­tion and hos­pit­al­ity in Punta Arenas,

Karl Gabl for the good weather-​forcasts,

Sebastian Borgwardt from Tur­ismo Aonik­enk for the on-​sight organisation,

Anne Eck­ert for help­ing in ques­tions about the graph­ical layout 

and of course the pro­duc­tion com­pany Sichtzeit for the excel­lent cooperation

FaLang trans­la­tion sys­tem by Faboba
Copy­right MtBuck​land​.com 2012 - Gratitude