
Cre­ated on Wed­nes­day, 11 Janu­ary 2012 Writ­ten by Bar­bara

We are already stay­ing a couple of days now in our cosy hostel. It is hostel and at the same time a cul­tural centre where you can watch shows of fairy tales, take a course in yoga and spend some time at the small climb­ing wall. Most of all we like the sun ter­race. To be more pre­cise it is a kind of a winter garden with view over the Strait of Magel­lan, where, as soon as the sun is shin­ing, it gets from won­der­ful warm to for­bid­ding hot. Dur­ing rain it rap­idly changes into a flow­stone cave — it seems like tight­ness of the roofs isn’t a neces­sity here. Mean­while, we know where the leaky spots are and at least the ham­mock always stays dry. Those showers aren’t escially long and the most strik­ing attrib­ute of the weather here is that it is unsettled, which makes the cli­mate at the sun ter­acce all in all very cosy. We feel very much at ease here and we can recom­mend the hostel for sure.

How­ever, we haven’t been always lazy over the last couple of days, even though this type of activ­ity did cover most of our time. We should simply call it accli­mat­isa­tion. But jokes aside, we had a couple of things to organ­ise. For example, we are in need of some per­mits before we can start our trip to Monte Buck­land. The first per­mit we have to get will be from the bor­der author­it­ies (DIFROL) because Monte Buck­land lies in the bor­der region to Argen­tinia. The second per­mit we need is the on from the nature con­ser­va­tion author­it­ies (CONAF) since the moun­tain is stiuated within the national park ‘de Agostini’. Even though Knox star­ted the nego­ti­ations about the per­mits already three monts ago, it needs our per­sonal attend­ance to get the pro­cess into gear.

Fur­th­ernore, we had to sign a whole lot of post­cards. To be effi­cient we have been sit­ting in a circle and did try to be as fast as pos­sible with sign­ing. Of course no one wanted to be the one where the post­cards got jammed — I def­in­itely had a han­di­cap with my name. The only thing remain­ing now is to dig up enough stamps in Punta Arenas because we already bought up all the stocks of the loc­ale post office. For those who would like to sup­port us and want to get a post­card from the other side of the world (prob­ably from your point of view) still has the chance to do so until the 2nd of Feb­ru­ary (see more here: link).

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Copy­right MtBuck​land​.com 2012 - Acclimatisation