Press releases

Cre­ated on Fri­day, 16 Decem­ber 2011 Writ­ten by Thomas

Today we estab­lished on our web page a new sec­tion for press releases — ‘Media’ — toprovide access to already exist­ing and upcom­ing news in the media about our exped­i­tion. Some of you might have no access to some of the news­pa­per and journ­als, so we like to provide the inform­a­tion here.

Begin­ning of this week a little art­icle was pub­lished at the bul­letin of the Säch­s­is­chen Bergsteiger­bundes, to give a sum­mary of the things we intend to do. Fur­ther­more, just this Fri­day released was another art­icle in the loc­ale news­pa­per ‘Säch­s­is­che Zei­tung’. While the bul­letin can be down­loaded, the art­icle in the news­pa­per can’t but we got clear­ance to offer you the art­icle also via our page. Have fun while browsing…

FaLang trans­la­tion sys­tem by Faboba
Copy­right MtBuck​land​.com 2012 - Press releases